Monday, March 24, 2008

Fiasco Style

Lupe’s words takes you on a train ride with wall to wall windows that display vivid but rapidly passing scenery. The images are sharp from this distance, but you get the feeling that there would be much more to discover if you had the time to look even closer. But you don’t, because to focus on the micro would prevent you from seeing the panorama being painted before you. Maybe next time, you say.

The train is tricky though. The scenery is too inviting, and it is too tempting to resist. You think you see an opportunity, yes, perhaps this chorus or instrumental will give you just enough time to look closer at that oasis of words that just left entered your mind. The exploration into this lush poetry is rewarding, leaves you admiring the artist’s layers of depth and creativity.

And that is the catch. You turn your focus back to that torrent of words that carried you thus far, and you see that it has begun to leave you. By the time you reconnect, you are no longer in the same place where you initially stepped off. Disorriented but not lost, you vow to stay on track… at least until you are a little more familiar with the ride. Back to the vibrant scene you go, riding on the train powered by soul.

Hooray Lupe, you make rap music that makes you think. Makes you interpret. Makes you WRITE. I wrote this as I listened to his second album, which although not as poetic as his first, still makes me smile. Words not just for the sake of communicating, but as art, that’s what you have to appreciate about the guy. Bravo.


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